Tuesday, January 21, 2014

MLK Service Day

In honor of Martin Luther King, Jr., the 5th graders spent time on Friday morning helping clean our school and helping our community.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Friday Service Project

This Friday, the 5th graders will be helping our school community and honoring Martin Luther King, Jr. by volunteering some of our time to clean up our school grounds. In class, we have been studying invasive and native plants. We will be helping our native plants by pulling up invasive plants that are taking over our school backyard!

Check out this flier that went home on Monday.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Earn a free Blazer ticket!

Read your usual 120 minutes each week and the Blazers will hook you up with a free ticket to a game! The Blazers are doing great this year, it'd be a good time to go see them get another win. Read 450 minutes this month to earn it!
We are hoping that we can all meet our goal and meet at the Blazer game!
It would be a fun way to celebrate as a class outside school.